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Overview of MSPCL

As mandated in the Transfer Scheme, MSPCL is  evolving evacuation system of power generated by generating stations in the state that are connected the State Transmission System, supply of power down to 33 KV voltage level to the entity engaged in distribution of electricity, exchange of power among entities and exchange of power through inter connection with Central Transmission Utility (CTU).

       The STU shall also be responsible for coordinating, managing and servicing of the State Grid Code. It shall also discharge functions of planning and coordination relating to STS with due correlation with CTU, State Government, Entities, North Eastern Regional Power Committee(NERPC), Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission (Mizoram & Manipur) and any other person/ organization notified by State Government. It shall ensure development of an efficient, coordinated and economical system of Intra-State Transmission lines for smooth flow of electricity from generating station to the load centre. The STU shall also be responsible for providing non-discriminatory open access to its transmission system subject to availability of adequate transmission facility for use by any licensee or generating station or any Open Access Consumer on payment of requisite transmission charges, other charges, fees and surcharges as provided in different Regulations specified by the Regulatory Commission.

       The STU shall work out the requirement of additional transmission system capacity after taking into account, the existing capacity, future requirement of evacuation from new generating projects inclusive of Captive Power Plants (CPPs), power generating projects under construction in the State, and share allocation of the state from Inter State Generating Stations (ISGS). Any supply from generating stations of temporary nature shall not be considered. In addition, the power procurement plan of distribution licensee of the State pursuant to the Tariff Regulations and power to be wheeled by different Open access Customers in Long Term Open access as per Open Access Regulations shall also be taken into account for the purpose of overall planning. The STU shall also identify suitable locations of load centres for installation of suitable Sub-Stations.