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In pursuance of Electricity Act, 2003, the State Electricity Department was unbundled and Corporatized into 2 (two) State owned functionally independent successor entities i.e. (i) Manipur State Power Company Limited (MSPCL) and (ii) Manipur State Power Distribution Company Limited (MSPDCL) as the deemed distribution licensee w.e.f. the 1st of February, 2014 (Saturday) by a Gazette Notification of the Government vide Manipur State Electricity Reforms Transfer Scheme, 2013 (or Transfer Scheme, 2013) dated the 31st December, 2013. Manipur State Power Company Limited (MSPCL) will undertake the function of transmission of electricity and also discharge all functions of the State Transmission Utility and Generation. MSPCL will act as the Holding Company for the State Government’s investments in the power sector and will undertake overall co-ordination and planning for the power sector in the State of Manipur, be the authorized representative of the State Government for development of hydroelectric power potential in the State of Manipur and perform such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the State Government from time to time. In addition, as per Section 31(2) of the Electricity Act, 2003, Manipur State Power Company Limited (MSPCL) shall operate the State Load Despatch Centre (SLDC) until a Government company or any authority or corporation is notified by the State Government.

The executive/policy decisions of the respective Companies are decided by the Managing Directors of the Company. The work under the supervision and control of the Board of Directors are headed by the Chairman of the Company.

The Constituents of the Board of Directors for Manipur State Power Company Limited (MSPCL) are as under:

1. Chief Secretary, Government of Manipur Non executive Chairman
2. Administrative Secretary (Finance), Govt. of Manipur Director (on ex-officio basis)
3. Administrative Secretary (Plg), Govt. of Manipur Director (on ex-officio basis)
4. Administrative Secretary (Power), Govt. of Manipur Director (on ex-officio basis)
5. Managing Director, MSPCL Director
6. Expert in Audit/legal/technical field Independent Director
7. Expert in Audit/legal/technical field Independent Director

Both the Companies have their respective organization chart for various functionaries in the Company and pictographic representation of the Manipur State Power Company Limited (MSPCL) is placed at Appendix I.

In the process of unbundling of the erstwhile Electricity Department Manipur (EDM) into two Nos. of Company –MSPCL and MSPDCL, all the assets and liabilities of the erstwhile EDM have been transferred to the successor entities. Some of the important functionalities of each of the Company are.

  1. Transmission network of 33 KV and above
  2. All sub-stations of 33/11 KV and above
  3. All generation units other than those mentioned in MSPDCL
  4. State Level Load Dispatch Centre (SLDC) is currently with MSPCL. An Independent Society called Manipur State Load Dispatch Society is being formed to take up the work of SLDC.

All Personnel of the erstwhile Electricity Department, Manipur are placed under deputation either with MSPCL or MSPDCL except for very few numbers of employees retained with the Office of the Administrative Officer (Power) or with the Office of Executive Engineer (MRT). The pay and allowances along with personnel entitlements of the employees/personnel of the erstwhile Electricity Department, Manipur is protected as per the terms and conditions laid down in the Transfer Scheme, 2013.

The retained Offices of Administrative Officer (Power) and Executive Engineer (MRT) are kept for smooth process of fund flow to the Company, look into various aspects of employee related matters and creating an interface between the Government and the Company.

Under the Transfer Scheme, 2013, the successor companies (MSPCL/MSPDCL) shall be eligible for and shall continue to receive support from the State Government in the form of revenue support, equity support, capital subsidies, loans, interest subsidies and such other monetary and financial assistance, whether under a Central or State scheme or otherwise, as may be necessary for the due and effective performance of their functions until the time successor Companies achieve commercial viability on their own. The Companies are to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Government for release of such assistance for each financial year subject to fulfilment of Key Performance Indicators.